Friday, March 16, 2007

I'M 23!!!!!!!!!!!!

So i guess it is time to write about my b day adventures before time slips by as quickly as it does and I have more stories to tell. It all began on March 10th at 8:30pm in Hong-dye in Seoul. We had a reservation for 35 at a place called Carnie Station. This is an all you can eat all you can drink for 2.5 hours, 22,000won (approx 22 Can.). They have it all, galbi, pasta, veggies, soju, wine, beer, and hard liquor. We had a nice little room and had a great time.....
The lovely Maggie Campbell came to chill and introduced us to her boyfriend Jason who had some connections at this korean hip hop dance club. He got us in for a deal. The place was great since it wasn't too busy we had our own tables and a whole dance floor to play on.... The night led us to route 66 for some more drinks and...wait for it... MOZZA STICKS!!! Then to another bar for an hour while waiting for the subway to take us home! At Tinpan we hung out had a drink and danced on the tables (wouldnt be a good night without it).. then headed to the subway, quick stop off at McD's for some breakfast and home by 8am!!!!
Slept till two. Danielle, Dawne, and myself woke up to go meet a korean friend Ally for lunch. We had some great mexican food then took a walk in Gagnam. Upon walking down the street we came across a mob of screaming girls. While trying to see what's on the inside we realize that it's some sort of korean movie man surrounded by body guards in pin stipped suits and fun earpieces. Also there were about 6-7 news cameras. The guy is giving out candy to the girls (since it was close to the korean "white Day" which is Valentines Day for girls). He sees me a motions for me to come into the circle. His body guard retrives me form the crowd and I meet him, while trying to resist the urge to ask for his name after telling him mine. I feel as if this might have been a bad idea..him being famous and all... I mean how do you think Bon Jovi would react to someone asking him his name on the streets of New York City? I pick a piece of paper form a stack and of course I can't read it. It said I get to take a photo, so someone takes a poloroid and passes it to me. He says good day and moves on and then i get attacked by a few cameras asking me "How do you feel?" Well..."I'm just so overwhelmed and Excited!" In a very sarcastic voice, thank god they don't understand the concept of sarcasm in this ocuntry so I think I'm safe....
Chaulk it all up to experience in the country of wonder and in the fabulous life of.....Jennifer Folkes....
So it goes...

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